Matter and Matter states

         Anything which occupies some space and have some mass is called matter. It 15 made up of small particles which have space between them. The matter particles attract each other and are in a state of continuous monon.
      SOLID:Solid-state is nothing but one of the states of matter.they have the ability to resist any force that is applied to its surface. However, the solid-state of compounds largely depends on the properties of atoms such as their arrangement and the forces acting between them.
     LIQUED:A liquid is a almost incompressible fluid that conforms to the form of its field however keeps a (almost) regular extent unbiased of pressure. As such, it's miles one of the 4 essential states of matter (the others being solid, gas, and plasma), and is the handiest kingdom with a specific extent however no constant form.
      GAS:Gas is a situation that doesn't have a set form and a set size. Gasses have decrease densities than different cloth conditions, inclusive of solids and liquids. Among particles, there is lots of empty space, which has a number of kinetic energy.

